vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

Sfat prietenesc despre relatii / Friendy relationship advice

Comic benzi desenate Un prieten ii da un sfat altui baiat despre relatii cum faci la prima intalnire cu o fata

Asta se intampla de obicei cu sfaturile prietenilor in materie de relatii. Nu ca stiu ei multe lucruri, dar se intampla ca si putinul lor sa fie mai mult ca tot ce stii tu.
Cred ca siuatia prezenta aici e atat de reala ca Batman, insa Batman reprezinta o forta a binelui, care exista, nu?

Comic cartoon A guy gives his friend some piece of advice about going out on a first date with a girl

This is what usually happens if you listen to your friends' advice when it comes to relatinships. They know shit and talk garbage, but sometimes that's more than what you know about a relation.
I think the situation here is somehow like Batman: it doesn't exist, but he is a force of good, and we know that good exists, right?

Comic cartoon drawing A smart girl's surprising reaction on a first date with a guy who asks her soething stupid and funny

Si asta se intampla cand tipa e desteapta (adica e desteapta si te si place).
In cazul asta, sfatul a functionat. Curios lucru.

And this is what happens if the girl is smart (i mean, she is smart and she also likes you).
In this case, the advice worked. What a curios thingy.